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Welcome to our GLOBAL HYDROGENERATION podcast

In the podcast, Anna Loll talks about hydrogen and the energy transition with top-class research experts and decision-makers from business, society and politics.

The idea is to find solutions that are as CO2-free as possible for both the economy and society. The goal isn’t "promoting" hydrogen, but about getting to the bottom of the following questions: What is the added value of hydrogen, and in which area(s) can it be used? How do we get it on the road, in the air, on rails? Will end consumers soon have a chance to heat with hydrogen instead of gas? What are the limitations of hydrogen? And of course: What fundamentals are required in order to achieve the energy transition, if possible, before 2040? What are the ongoing hydrogen projects, and how are companies dealing with the energy crisis?

A total of ten episodes are planned for the first season. We'll be releasing them weekly on Thursdays starting July 28, 2022.

In the first episode, Anna Loll has a conversation with Stefan Gelbhaar at the ILA Berlin Pioneering Aerospace which took place in Berlin-Brandenburg at the end of June.

Stefan Gelbhaar is a member of the Bundestag for Bündnis90/Die Grünen – he is the party’s transportation policy spokesman and also a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Bahn. In the podcast, Mr. Gelbhaar talks about the new hydrogen strategy of the German government, parameters for implementing hydrogen-based solutions, the distinct economic and political roles of these solutions, and why climate negotiations sometimes remind him of arguments with small children...

Listen now!


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